How far have we come

Typically, lessons in history can be boring and uneventful. However, after reviewing many articles in fashion literature, as well as websites dedicated to the history of men's swimwear, it is truly remarkable how quickly (in some ways) our society has regressed back to the dark ages in regards to men's swimwear. Approximately a century ago, men typically wore complete body covers when frequenting the beach or poolside. In the early 1900's, proper etiquette dictated a more formal type of swimwear when taking quick excursions to the beach. Luckily, trends began to change through the 20's & 30's with the introduction of new "nude"
like fabrics. Crediting the influential power of women's fashion throughout history, designs in women's swimwear had a profound impact on the evolutionary process of men's swimwear. Indeed, as decades past men's swimwear became more tailored to be less covering and to show more skin. Eventually, burberry bikini began to shorten and shrink to the style we most famously know as the "Speedo". Thankfully, men's swimwear eventually evolved and crossed into a generation where the male expression was open to the display of the male physique. Remarkably, by the early 70's guys were ready and daring enough to show themselves in a whole new and special way.  So, what has happened to men's swimwear in the last decade or two?


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